Plant Lab

Take the plunge.

Introducing your no-nonsense guide to hydration

NNow, if you’ve been around here for a little while you know at Plant Dpt. we LOVE hydration! Each and every product in the Plant Dpt. range is focused on providing thirsty skin with reinforced and protected hydration levels, so you could say we are in a passionate and committed relationship. Hydration really is just-our-type-on-paper...

Hydration myth-busting 101

Hydration, in our humble opinion, is one of the most important daily steps you can take to ensure that your skin is healthy, glowing, and revitalised. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most overused big-brand marketing terms for a LOT of skincare products and ranges. Consequently, something that (should be) relatively simple is actually pretty confusing...

"How do we keep our skin hydrated?"
"Is it only about how much moisturiser we put on?"
"I have oily skin, surely, I don’t need to prioritise hydration?!"

First things first, what actually causes a loss of hydration in the skin? A common skincare myth is that hydration is only a concern in the winter months. WRONG. Whilst it’s true that frozen temperatures, central heating, and excessive winds can do their absolute best to suck your skin dry, it’s crucial to make sure your skin gets what it needs, even in the summer months. Excess sweating due to higher temperatures and increased exposure to damaging UV rays can mean it’s struggle-city for your skin to hold onto its much-needed water.

Skincare myth 02

Oily skin doesn’t need extra moisture. WRONG - although it is important to know the difference between dry and dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin lacks water whilst dry skin lacks oil. The crazy thing is your skin could be dehydrated, dry or both regardless of your skin type so it’s crucial to treat any concerns by SYMPTOM rather than TYPE. For example, dehydrated skin tends to look dull, lacklustre and feel tight, whereas dry skin can present as rough, parched, or flaky skin due to the chronic lack of moisture (low lipid content) within the skin. So, you need to identify what side of this fence you sit on. For example, if you already have oily skin, you don’t want to be adding ‘dry’ skin products to your routine to promote more oil production.

Still confused?! We don’t blame you! We’ve pulled together our top thirst quenching tips that will give your skin a serious drink regardless of your skin type…

Tip 01 | Up your exfoliation game: Now this comes with quite a heavy caveat - exfoliate GENTLY. If you’re already suffering from dry, flaking skin regular exfoliation can be a great way to buff away dead skin cells to reveal brighter and fresh new skin. As we know, life’s (way) too short for toxic relationships, so it’s important to avoid harsh chemical exfoliants like hydroxy acids and overly abrasive physical scrubs which can damage your skin barrier. You need to reach for gentle exfoliator like our organic bamboo cleansing cloths. Use them alongside a plant-powered cleanser that melts away the day and detoxify, balance and hydrate the skin without stripping. The Oryza & Tsubaki Day Repair Cleansing Gel  is just the tool for the job, but then you skincare addicts knew that already 😉.

Tip 01 | Keep your face out of the shower: KEEP YOUR FACE OUT OF THE SHOWER! We bet you weren't expecting that one! We get it, it seems like a strange tip but most of us love a good hot shower (guilty as charged)! Unfortunately, the temperature most of us tend to indulge in on a daily basis is far too warm for the delicate skin on our faces to tolerate. Simply remembering to keep your face out of the water can make a real difference to your skin’s hydration levels and you can kiss that super tight feeling post-shower goodbye! Bonus! Again, we get it, if you do happen to overindulge in the hottest shower known to man because you’re running (really) late for work the Arctic Moss & Wild Fern City Hydration Day Cream has got your back. It’ll provide deep hydration where you need it most and anti-pollution protection from AM to PM!

Tip 03 | H20: Drinking water will improve your skin’s overall hydration. The End. Only kidding, but really it is that simple. Upping your water intake can really have that big of an impact on your skin (coupled with killer natural products that actually work of course)! Drinking an adequate amount of water (2 litres a day, minimum) is necessary for our bodies to run optimally. It helps with the production of hyaluronic acid and for other nutrients to reach the skin via proper blood flow. It’s not the be-all and end-all, but it certainly goes a LONG way.

If you fancy locking in that hard earned hydration and are sick of choosing between natures best and the results you want, you can shop all products mentioned right here on our website. Strictly natural ingredients. Super-natural performance. It’s as simple as that…

Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum
Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum

Vitamin Booster Brightening Serum

Day Repair Cleansing Gel
Day Repair Cleansing Gel
Day Repair Cleansing Gel
Day Repair Cleansing Gel
pot with plant dpt cleanser texture on beige background

Day Repair Cleansing Gel

City Hydration Day Cream
City Hydration Day Cream
City Hydration Day Cream
City Hydration Day Cream
City Hydration Day Cream
City Hydration Day Cream

City Hydration Day Cream

Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit
Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit
Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit
Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit
Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit

Plant Dpt. Complete Skin Kit
